Personal goals
January 5, 2023
by Franz Seher
What is a cupcake and what it has to do with my personal targets for the upcoming year? Check out in my story here.
Visit Tenerife with friends
Show Austria to Iulia's Family
Do the adventure race together with family & friends
Celebrate the 40th Birthday with close friends in winter chalets
Put photovoltaics on our apartment buildings for sustainable energy production
Switch from carbon fuels to an electric car powered by the sun
Accumulate sustainable crypto token
Switch to nearly fully vegetarian diet
Create an insurance marketplace for my company
Focus on new role and improve coaching skills
Hike with my brother on the most famous mountain in Upper Austria
Take bikes on vacation and enjoy nature tracks
City adventure races in Linz
Focus on Padel skills and take part in tournaments
Join a rackethlon tournament
Prerequisite for working abroad
Move away from central towards decentralized finances targeting passive income
Read more books with focus on non-fiction educational literature
Make a complete health check
To find out about potential weaknesses and optimize food intake
To find out about potential weaknesses and optimize food intake
Get a fresh pair of foot orthotics
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