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The Holis Market

Holis Market - Introduction

holis market GmbH was founded by Gerald Ninaus and me. The idea was new experience in a grocery market through sustainable unpackaged, organic and regional food as well as digital and offline services around the personal nutrition and taste.


The goal was a disruptive change in the grocery market sector at least for a specific group of niche markets (ecologic-oriented consumers, vegetarians and vegans, fitness guys, people with nutritional interolerances). The ideas was planned to be scalable through a franchise system, because most of software and hardware at the market was developed, constructed and implemented by the holis team itself. The differentiation to the other competitions on the market was done by the blue ocean strategy framework.


From scratch the idea was based on an enthusiastic crowd, because of the fact that the radical concept was intended to be for a niche market and therefore quite risky to fail without buyer community. Social media played an important role. Facebook for example was an effective tool to inspire first collaborators and a core community. As the idea was spreading and the people behind were growing a website was the first place to describe the vision of the project. Newsletter and other tools were tools to get the crowd informed and motivated. Crowdfunding was a logical next step to get the idea real.

Design was a major cornerstone of the project. The team designed for exmpale the logo, website, social media channels and touchpoints as well as the design of the interior and the software system.

The first market in Linz was developed as a modular and experimental market. It was clear that the first setting might not be the most successful one, so the market was designed to be changed from week to week to test other settings very fast. When the successful setting was found the next step would have been to scale via a franchise system.


About 10k Social Media fans
Several thousand newsletter recipients
Several thousand customers in the market
Several hundred participants at the cooking workshops
Several hundred subscriber for the weekly lunch delivey
Dozens of requests to open a holis market in another region
About 700.000 Euro turnover in the first year
Several Services fully implemented in the first year (e.g. nutritional consultancy, lunch delivery by bike, cooking workshops, sale of gravity grocery bins)
Business Development


Design Thinking
Innovation Management
Blue Ocean Strategy
Product Development
Industrial Design
Social Media
User Interface Design
Software Engineering
Business Development



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