Unfortunately, in my time at in the digital departmment - xxxldigital - of one of the largest furniture companies in the world the negative experiences overshadowed the positive ones. In general, there was a lack of employee orientation in the sense of focusing on their strengths instead of their weaknesses, a lack of process, structure and strategy in the department as well as in the entire organization, a lack of IT competences in general and sadly also a lack of leadership skills at all.
The worst part was, that at least in my department several very professional and talented colleagues tried to change at least some smaller things to the better and put extra efforts in areas like improved processes, tools, methods strategies etc., but this was not seen by various leaders of the department. At one point the struggle was not worth the time any more and I decided to end my time at this company.
Although, I do not want to miss this time cause I learned a lot about project & product management, my skills and weaknesses, and last but not least I met some colleagues that I value very much on a professional as well as on a private level.